how to make a bluegrass mandolin, f5 mandolin construction.
23 full-size fold-out mandolin blueprints for building an F5 mandolin.
Full size drawings for building a Gibson style f-hole F-5 mandolin designed by Lloyd Loar.
Plans for building an F5 mandolin
How to inlay pearl and abalone in musical instruments.
selecting tonewoods and woods for building mandolins
Instructions to make a bluegrass Gibson-style mandolin like Bill Monroe's
Roger Siminoff

The Ultimate Bluegrass Mandolin Construction Manual - 4th Edition

Regular price $68.00 $0.00

Originally published in 1973, this 4th edition was released in 2021. The text has been fully updated and revised, and includes more than 330 color photos and everything you need to know about building a Bill Monroe-style F5 mandolin. The text includes: a primer on musical acoustics, wood selection, graduating the soundboard and backboard, making the neck, truss rod installation, assembling the body, tap tuning, building the fretboard, installing frets, pearl inlay, neck joints, binding the body and peghead, coloring and finishing, string selection, set up, and much more.  A stellar instrument-building manual by heralded luthier and author Roger H. Siminoff.  (2.8 lbs.)

Introduction by heralded luthier Steven Gilchrist

  • 21 full-size fold-out ProSeries F5 construction drawings
  • 2 full-size fold-out fixture drawings
  • 10 full-size peghead inlay drawings by DiAnne Patrick
  • 330+ color photographs
  • 16 luthier signature/date labels
  • Tap tuning and deflection tuning techniques
  • Coloring, shading, and finishing techniques
  • Musical frequency charts (for A440 and A431)
  • 150 text pages
  • 9˝x12˝, spiral bound

Purchasers of this book also like our F5 Mandolin Templates and Fixture Drawings.